The website residence.verony.be belongs to:
Koenraad Vervaecke, Manitobaplein 1, 8370 Blankeberge
T: +32 495 929602
E: reservations@verony.be
Personal data
Personal data is understood to mean: all data with which you can be recognized as an individual. Eg: name, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. You are solely responsible for the information you provide to us.
Processing Purposes
We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:
For the processing and execution of reservations.
To improve our site and holiday offer.
To keep you as a visitor informed about our special offers if requested.
To carry out a price request.
To answer any questions.
By using our contact page and communicating with us electronically, you acknowledge and accept this Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Legal basis(s) of the processing
Personal data is processed on the basis of article 6.1.b necessary for the execution of an agreement, 6.1.c necessary to comply with a legal obligation and 6.1.f necessary for the representation of our legitimate interest in doing business under the General Data Protection Regulation.
Minors may only use our online services under supervision and with the consent of their parents or adult guardian.
If this is necessary to achieve the intended purposes, the customer’s personal data will be shared with others within the European Economic Area that are directly or indirectly connected to Residence VERONY.
Residence VERONY guarantees that these recipients will take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data.
The personal data processed for customer management will be kept for the period necessary to comply with legal requirements (including in the field of reservations and accounting) or for the period necessary to represent the legitimate interest in doing business.
All information exchanged with our website residence.verony.be is encrypted. SSL encryption (Secure Sockets Layer) is used for this. The used safety certificate is issued by
Let’s Encrypt Authority X3.
Other data
Other data that we receive from you when registering or logging in to our website residence.verony.be are
TCP/IP addresses
Which operating system
Which browser
When you navigate through our website, certain information may be passively collected through various internet technologies such as IP addresses, cookies and navigation data, without you actively providing this information yourself.
An IP address is a unique and identifying number that is assigned to every computer that uses the Internet. It is generally believed that an IP address does not contain any personal information because it generally changes each time you connect to the Internet and is not tied to a particular user’s computer. We use your IP address to investigate problems with our server, collect statistical information, determine the fastest connection between your computer and our website, and to administer and improve the website. Your IP address is in some cases logged by the server for security reasons.
The use of cookies
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by a web server via your web browser during your online visit. It contains information you provide (such as your preferences or email address) that can in principle only be read by the site that created it. We use both temporary cookies (“session cookies”), which are deleted when you leave your web browser or turn off your computer, and permanent cookies (“persistent cookies”), which are stored on your computer’s hard drive unless you delete them. Session cookies are used to improve website navigation and to collect global statistical information. Persistent cookies are used for, among other things, recalling previously provided information (such as language preference and pages visited). For more information regarding cookies, please visit: www.allaboutcookies.org.
You can set your browser to inform you in advance when cookies are placed or when cookies are refused. Refusing cookies can technically lead to a limitation of functionality.
All cookies that our site exchanges with your computer are necessary for the proper functioning of our site and to provide you as a visitor with a pleasant experience.
Our website residence.verony.be may contain links or references to other websites. eg. social networking sites When you use these links you will leave our site. Our privacy policy does not apply to these websites. When using these other sites, the privacy policies of those sites apply. You are therefore advised to read their privacy policy.
Your rights with regard to your personal data
You have access to your personal data
Via the contact page on the residence.verony.be website by sending us an email asking what information we have stored and saved about you.
To clear
You have the right to be forgotten.
If certain data prove to be useless for the purposes pursued, you have the right to demand that they be erased in certain circumstances, e.g. when they are no longer necessary for the purpose pursued in their collection and processing. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. However, you should bear in mind that withdrawing consent may have the direct consequence that the execution of your reservation becomes impossible. You can anonymize or delete your data by sending us a message using the contact form on our website residence.verony.be.
data transfer
You have the right to request your data in a digitally transferable and digitally readable file. Your data will be sent to you as a CSV data file. This CSV data file can then be easily imported into another data processor. You can request this CSV data file by leaving us a message using the contact form on our website residence.verony.be.
You can send us your questions about the processing of your personal data,
by e-mail using our contact form.
by post to the following address: Residence VERONY, Manitobaplein 1, 8370 Blankenberge, Belgium. In that case, please also provide us with a copy of your identity card (front and back). We will provide you with a personal answer, either by post or e-mail.
All complaints regarding the processing of your personal data can be addressed to the above-mentioned postal and e-mail addresses or to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy: Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels ( www.privacycommission.be).
Residentie Verony
Manitobaplein 1
8370 Blankenberge
+32 495 929602
© 2024 Luxurious vacation in te Blankenberge.